Due to the fact that in Monaco it is very difficult to install an ham radio antenna for a wide range of reasons, I had to choose a vertical, multibands antenna with a reasonable lenght.
F6EJU who have the same antenna, propose me an hand for the assembly and the setup of the antenna.
Here below some pictures took in Sospel (06380) :
Picture 1: Assembly of the antenna
Picture 2: Balun & capacitance spokes
Picture 3: Tuning of the antenna
Picture 4: Tuning of the antenna
And here below there are some pictures about the installation of the antenna in Monaco (98000):
Picture 5: Re-building on the roof
Picture 6: The antenna in place
Here are the measurements done with the RigExpert 230 Zoom antenna tuner once the antenna is in place:
- 40 Meters :
- 20 Meters :
- 15 Meters :
- 10 Meters :
- 6 Meters :
- 2 Meters :
73! beau site!
jean claude f6eju
When coupled to a low-resistance loop conductor such as a copper strap, copper tube, or large gauge copper wire, MFJ loop tuners can provide a high efficiency transmitting loop antenna system. However, particular care must be taken to reduce system losses. The primary causes of loss are due to the antenna conductor itself, and losses due to mechanical interconnect points.